Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris  Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Arrange the words bellow into correct sentence !
Aturlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar!

1. is - diligent - Bayu - a - Boy =  ...........................................
2. Rani - a - pretty - is - girl =  ...........................................
3. new - Sintia - has - a - bag =  ...........................................
4. will - I - go - to - beach =  ...........................................
5. house - is - this - big - very =   ...........................................
6. brother - is - my - tall - very =  ...........................................
7. is - very - that - dirty - house =   ...........................................
8. Ayuk - red - has - a - bag =  ...........................................
9. dentist - my - grandfather - is - a =   ...........................................
10. market - to - goes - the - Ahmad  = ...........................................
11. shirt - Karina - blue - wears - a =   ...........................................
12. cat - blue - that - eyes - has =   ...........................................
13. Cooking - Bagas - is - rice - fried =  ...........................................
14. father - teacher - is - my - a =  ...........................................
15. baby - cute - this - very - is =    ...........................................
16. short - Rani - is - girl - a =   ...........................................
17. I - to - buy - want - car =  ...........................................
18. is - it - a - ruler - long =   ...........................................
19. cake - is - the - very - sweet =    ...........................................
20. Hasan - green - a - apple - has =  ...........................................
21. yard - big - that - very - is =  ...........................................
22. Sinta - a - new - want - book =  ...........................................
23. is - rita - girl - tall - a =   ...........................................
24. basket - Sinta - playing - is - ball = ...........................................
25. grandfather - is - my - very - old = ...........................................

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 6 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )

1. is - diligent - Bayu - a - Boy = Bayu is a diligent boy
2. Rani - a - pretty - is - girl = Rani is a pretty girl
3. new - Sintia - has - a - bag = Sintia has a new bag
4. will - I - go - to - beach = I will goto beach
5. house - is - this - big - very = this house is very big
6. brother - is - my - tall - very = my brother is very tall
7. is - very - that - dirty - house = that house is very dirty
8. Ayuk - red - has - a - bag = Ayuk has a red bag
9. dentist - my - grandfather - is - a =  my grandfathe is a dentist
10. market - to - goes - the - Ahmad = Ahmad goes to the market
11. shirt - Karina - blue - wears - a = Karina wears a blue shirt
12. cat - blue - that - eyes - has = the cat has blue eyes
13. Cooking - Bagas - is - rice - fried = Bagas is cooking fried rice
14. father - teacher - is - my - a = my father is a teacher
15. baby - cute - this - very - is =   this baby is very cute
16. short - Rani - is - girl - a = Rani is a chort girl
17. I - to - buy - want - car = I want to buy car
18. is - it - a - ruler - long =  it is a long ruler
19. cake - is - the - very - sweet =   the cake is very sweet
20. Hasan - green - a - apple - has = Hasan has a green apple
21. yard - big - that - very - is = that yard is very big
22. Sinta - a - new - want - book = Sinta want a new book
23. is - rita - girl - tall - a =  Rita is a tall girl
24. basket - Sinta - playing - is - ball = Sinta is playing basket ball
25. grandfather - is - my - very - old =

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 4 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )

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